Young Leaders

The Young Leaders' Scheme is just one of the exciting programme elements in the Explorer Scout section.

All leaders in the Beaver Scout, Cub Scout and Scout Section who are between the ages of 14 and 18 must be members of an Explorer Scout Young Leaders' Unit. They are Explorer Scouts who choose to devote a large proportion of their time in Scouting to service in another section.


YL Badge   

A Young Leaders’ Badge and woggle should be awarded after completing Module A. This badge signifies that a Young Leader has completed their basic training.

YL Badge  

A mission strip should be presented after completing each mission, these are placed around the module A badge

YL Badge  

A Young Leader belt buckle should be awarded on completion of the entire scheme (completion of ALL training modules and missions).

YL Badge  

The Young Leader Service Award can be worn on the adult uniform to recognise a person’s completion of the Young Leaders’ Scheme.

The Young Leader certificate should be presented when the Young Leader either turns 18 or completes the whole scheme. The back of the certificate can be used to record which modules and missions the Young Leader has completed.

Core resources to support the scheme

Preparing to Lead: Delivering the Young Leaders’ Scheme

This is the handbook for every adult volunteer delivering the Young Leaders’ Scheme. A self contained guide to delivering the training, it provides a full breakdown of all modules and practical activities for bringing the learning to life.

  • 120 page step by step guide to delivering the scheme 
  • Contains trainer notes and practical tips
  • Appendices with additional information including the Fundamentals of Scouting and leadership styles

Young Leader Logbook - Onwards and Upwards

The complete guide to being a Young Leader, this logbook for young people explains what to expect during training and in the role itself.  As well as tips from other Young Leaders, it outlines the opportunities, skills and rewards for taking part in the scheme.

  • Pocket size
  • 28 pages full colour
  • Everything in one place
Contact Us

If you would like to hear more about Young Leaders, please click the link below to contact us.

Young Leader Contact Us
What's On

DofE Expedition Prep

Young Leader Training

DofE Expedition Prep

DofE Silver Practice Expedition

DofE Bronze Qualifying Expedition

Young Leader Training

DofE Silver Qualifying Expedition

News & Blogs

Scouts throughout the district are always trying new and exciting activities and It's fair to say target shooting has always proved a popular choice as proved each year at Petworth Park Camp. There are Scouts that are happy to just have a go, Scouts that want to progress their skills and Scouts that have a natural talent for Shooting.


We’re a team of Scouts that all started shooting at a taster session. With years of hard work and dedication two of us now shoot at international competitions, representing Team GB in championship matches as far away as Luxembourg and even setting a new British record! Around this time every year we represent the district and county at the National Scout Rifle Championships. With that cancelled this year we thought we’d promote it instead.


The National Scout Rifle Championships is a 3 day event open to all UK members. Each year it attracts over 700 participants of all abilities and ages from all over the UK. It’s been running for over 40 years and is held at The National Shooting Center in Bisley, Surrey. There's a main competition and several other events too.


Those of us that attend from P&P tag onto the Worthing Scouts Shooting Squad.. We train with them every weekend, fine tuning our skills ready for the next competition. For us it's the highlight of the year.


The main competition comprises of 4 events - 

  • 6 yard air rifle
  • 6 yard air pistol?
  • Field target
  • Knockdown


After that the choice is yours! Other events include

  • small bore rifle
  • full bore rifle
  • archery
  • crossbow
  • target sprint


With upwards of 700 competitors it's fair to say the P&P contingent have had some fairly impressive finishing positions in recent years. Most impressive for us was coming 4th overall team in the main competition.


  • 2019 - 4th - main competition (team)
    Marcus Barnes, Jack Lovett & Maddy Barnes
  • 2019 - 15th - field target
    Marcus Barnes
  • 2019 - 7th - own pistol
    Jack Lovett
  • 2019 - 9th - own pistol
    Maddie Barnes
  • 2018 - 3rd - crossbow
    Robert Whitling


If you’ve got a passion for shooting, a scout showing potential, or would like to get involved please do get in touch -

You can find more information on the nationals here -

You can see Maddy and Jack's accomplishments here - 

Special thanks to the amazing leaders at Worthing District Shooting Squad for all your help and support with nationals and training each year.

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Petworth & Pulborough Scout District


West Sussex County Scouts, Lodge Hill, London Road, Watersfield, Pulborough, West Sussex, RH20 1LZ

Material on this website has been reproduced by permission of The Scout Association
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